Bookkeeping For Newbies
Free accounting and bookkeeping help, guides, and courses to aid students, owners, managers, and anyone needing or wanting to learn about accounting and bookkeeping.

Types Of Accounting Help & Guidance Provided:
- Accounting & Bookkeeping Courses & Training
- Accounting & Bookkeeping Tests
- Bookkeeping Skills Testing
- Accounting & Bookkeeping Lectures
- Accounting Glossary
Why Accounting ?
Accounting is essential to the success of any business or organization.
Accounting is the art of analyzing, recording, summarizing, reporting, reviewing, and interpreting financial information.
Bookkeeping is one of the components of accounting. Think of accounting as the mom and bookkeeping as one of her children. Bookkeeping is the process of recording and classifying business or personal financial transactions transactions into a usable form that provides financial information about a business or individual.
Why would you want to study and learn bookkeeping and accounting and keep up to date financial records anyway ? Can't you hire an accountant to come after the end of the year and get your checkbook and shoe box and do your taxes ? Sure you can ! And yes you will have adequately fulfilled your taxpayer obligations. But in order to run a business and know what, where, and when to take corrective actions requires accounting information. How do you get and where do you find this financial information ? You don't if you don't keep accurate and current records about your business financial activities (bookkeeping).
Most, if not all of us, hate keeping records; but, the days of operating a business by the seat of our pants have long gone.
Of course owners do; but, others are also interested in a business's accounting information and reports. Users are normally classified as internal and external. Internal users are owners, managers, and employees. External users include banks, customers, suppliers, regulatory agencies, and taxing agencies.
Free Accounting & Bookkeeping Training
- My, So you want to learn Bookkeeping ! Bookkeeping Courses
My free So, you want to learn Bookkeeping! Introductory Bookkeeping Course introduces you to beginning bookkeeping and my style of presenting information. In other words, this online bookkeeping course is for beginners (newbies) and is only an introduction into the world of accounting. They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Well my goal is to make you dangerous. So, if you want to or need to learn the basics of bookkeeping give it a try.
In addition to my Introductory Bookkeeping Tutorial, I've written some additional courses (Bean Counter Series Of Bookkeeping Tutorials) for those of you wanting or needing some additional bookkeeping and accounting education. If you need to expand your bookkeeping knowledge, you need to check out these additional free accounting tutorials. Additional topics covered include cash, inventories, chart of accounts, special journals, and payroll.
- My "Sister" Sites
In addition to my main site Bean Counter, you may find my sister sites helpful.
Five free Bookkeeping Tutorials explain and illustrate what's involved in "keeping the books". While accounting and bookkeeping software have made the task of recording and summarizing financial information easier and faster, it's still good to know what's actually being done "behind the scenes" by the software. These five tutorials do not teach bookkeeping; but, rather explain and illustrate what's involved in bookkeeping using the "ole fashion" manual bookkeeping sytem and procedures. These same tasks are now commonly performed using computers and accounting software; but, bookkeepers still need to know how a manual system works in order to properly use accounting and bookkeeping software.
Even more free bookkeeping courses and tutorials !
- Accounting & Bookkeeping Tests
Accounting and Bookkeeping Tests and Quizzes that test what you know about beginning accounting and bookkeeping principles and concepts. Over 100 Accounting and Bookkeeping Quizzes and Skill Tests with over 2,500 questions and answers are provided for you to see what you know about basic accounting principles and concepts.
An accounting and bookkeeping practice set is the best way for students to learn the practical skills essential to accounting by completing a one month accounting cycle for a fictional business.
Baldy’s Barber Shop bookkeeping practice set course was made to provide the accounting and bookkeeping student with an overview of how the manual concepts taught in an introductory accounting course can be applied to a manual and computerized accounting system. In addition, the practice set illustrates the benefits of using a computerized accounting and bookkeeping system.
- My Accounting & Bookkeeping Lectures
These free bookkeeping and accounting video lectures and presentations help to reinforce your knowledge and understanding of beginning bookkeeping and accounting topics.
- Accounting Glossary
What Do You Know About Accounting Terminology ? A glossary of accounting and bookkeeping terms is provided to aid you in understanding accounting terminology. In addition, a test is provided to test your knowledge of accounting terms.
Accounting Glossary and terms test.
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The information provided on this site is not intended to provide or be a substitute for specific individualized accounting, tax, legal, business, or investment planning advice. Where specific advice is necessary or appropriate, Bean Counter recommends consultation with a qualified tax advisor, CPA, Financial Planner or Investment Manager. The information provided herein is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation, personalized investment advice or an endorsement by Bean Counter. The information presented is obtained from what are considered reliable sources; however, its accuracy, completeness or reliability cannot be guaranteed and therefore should not be relied upon as such. Bean Counter accepts no liability for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information.
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